Monday, August 5, 2013

Top series of the moment... what to watch?

My TOP 3 SERIES of the moment... 

The first series that I want to talk about is called UNDER THE DOME and is inspired by the Stephen King novel. I came across this only the other day but it exists for a while now. 
I really like thrillers and scary but not too scary plots and so to have that hint of sci fi combined with unsolved mystery and a little bit of action really made me want to start watching it. 
I have only watched two episodes so far but i really really like it a lot! 
I hate spoilers so I won't go too much into detail, but the story is about a little town being captured by a giant bubble. Because I am only at episode 2, not much is solved and a lot of questions are raised... 
I'm sure I will watch this until the end and maybe I gave you something to watch now :) who knows. 

The second series that I really like is PLL

If I had to choose one series that has been captured my attention, it HAS to be hands down Pretty Little Liars. 
I remember at first when I got introduced to this, I wasn't too impressed. 
I thought the story line was rather boring and the girls didn't really act suuuper convincing. 
However, I did get dragged into it at a later stage, in season 2 or the beginning of season 3. 
The story line was awesome and very intriguing.  A lot of the times I was so scared about what was going to happen (not really scared but more passionate I guess to know who and why and what) that I didn't even hear whatever was happening outside of me and my television :D haha. That's when you know a show is goood. So basically, I found that last season was suuuuper well written with so many questions and a couple of awesome answers, however every episode, there was a little twist at the and making you want to see the next episode instantly. 
I have to say, I am a little disappointed at how the newest season is going... Not a lot of new information has been given and the story line does not really "boom", I mean, I am not sitting and waiting to count the days whenever the show airs again. 
Which is a bit unfortunate. 
Now a little bit more about the show, it tells the story about a girl in school who got killed (maybe? :) and her friends being haunted by a mysterious 'A' ever since she disappeared. 
Some people think it is the girl who disappeared but other people think it might be someone else, who was already after Alison (that's the girl's name). 
I like to watch the series, because the girls have a great clothing style and makeup look going on, and simply because I just wanna know who A is :) This show can go on and on and on without ever revealing A and I would still watch it. So definitely give it a chance and especially watch season 2/3 :) 

My last series I watched - but I am afraid they stopped filming is called Persons Unknown

This is also a sci fi series that has to do with people suddenly waking up in an isolated town and not knowing how they got there, and more importantly, how they can escape. 
Some little twists make us believe one of them is the reason why they are all trapped, however, no real answers are being given throughout the show. 
I don't really know but i am think this only aired in one season... People are asking to film a second season, but I am not sure if they are/will/have already done so. 

Hope you enjoy your day and if you have any series you love, please leave a comment down below as I am always on the hunt for a new show!

ps, I probably should not mention I am also a huge fan of reality tv such as the bachelorette, the real housewives, and girly series such as

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